The American Club of Buenos Aires organized a discussion with the economist Javier Milei

On Wednesday, September the 2nd the controversial libertarian economist spoke on Zoom about the different scenarios of the Argentine economy and presented his book "Pandenomics"


The American Club of Buenos Aires presented its first virtual event with top-level speakers despite the mandatory closure by COVID-19 regulations. Through a digital platform, the Club maintains contact with its members and their relevance in the most important issues of the Argentine-American bilateral relationship.

Taking into account the context of the current pandemic situation that is being experienced worldwide, the American Club of Buenos Aires was forced to close its doors on March 14th for the first time in its 102-year history.

For this event, the board of directors has summoned the libertarian economist Javier Milei to speak. Mr. Milei will spoke about future possible economic paths for Argentina and what will be the relationship with the United States of America.

The BA in Economics Javier Milei has a long history defending a liberal economic model. His dissertation coincided with the presentation of his most recent investigative work on the pandemic that is plaguing the world and the different political, economic and social guidelines taken by the main world powers. His research includes an analysis of the path traced by Argentine politicians.

Milei showed the new vision of the Argentine model in front of the world, how to resume the path towards the export and internationalization of the local economy to generate foreign exchange and to be able to comply with the recent economic agreement. His full presentation is now available on YouTube:

The event was extended to the general public and was held on Wednesday, September the 2nd at 6:30 p.m. through the Zoom platform. All proceeds from ticket sales were to the employees of the American Club of Buenos Aires, who, since March 14, have been unable to work due to the physical closure of the Club.

About the American Club of Buenos Aires: Originally founded in 1918, it has gained a reputation as an important point for American and Argentine businessmen and politicians. Located on the 10th floor of 1366 Viamonte Street, it has a unique view of the City of Buenos Aires. Its networking and study events make it the meeting point for bilateral interests.

Currently the Board of Directors is chaired by President Robert M. Urban and Vice President Emily S. Hersh, who are supported by a Board of Directors of 13 Argentine and American members.

About Javier Milei: He has a degree in Economics from the University of Belgrano, with a postgraduate degree in Economic Theory from the Torcuato Di Tella University. Among other positions, he has been Head of Máxima AFJP, advisor to the Argentine government in CIADI, member of the B20. He is currently Chief Economist of the Acordar Foundation and a member of the World Economic Forum, among other jobs.

Milei has written several books and his next publication will be published in the upcoming weeks. “Pandenomics”, where he reflects on the health and economic crisis at the local and global level, analyzes the values that a free society should have, in order to emerge stronger from the crisis.